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Introducing "Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice"

mix & match: designing your nonbinary voice nonbinary voice Mar 11, 2024
Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice

Hello, lovelies! I'm Renée, and if you're on a journey to vocal self-discovery, you've just stumbled upon a guide who's been navigating these waters since 2021. Today, I'm over the moon to unveil something that’s been simmering in my creative cauldron: a course crafted especially for my nonbinary stars out there. But first, let's take a little detour into how this all began.

The Genesis of an Idea

Once upon a time, the idea of creating a voice course specifically for nonbinary folks started whispering into my ear. The whisper turned into a conversation, and that conversation turned into a mission. I dreamed of a course that would be a haven for all nonbinary individuals, regardless of where they were on their journey, or even if their journey included multiple destinations for their fluid genders.

I dove headfirst into research, spending days with my nose buried in books and nights dreaming of voice exercises and tools. Through this labour of love, I wanted to craft a curriculum that wasn't just a course but a compass for those navigating the vast sea of nonbinary identity.

Why "Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice"?

Choosing a name for this course was no small feat. I sifted through your wonderful suggestions, from "I Hear Genderqueer" to "Speaking Outside the Box." Each title was a gem, but I sought something that sparkled with the essence of nonbinary joy—autonomy, creativity, and a splash of playfulness.

After much soul-searching (and caffeine), the stars aligned: Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice. This title, to me, sings of the nonbinary experience. It's about crafting a reality that's authentically yours, picking the elements that resonate with you, and gently setting aside those that don't. It’s your voice, your melody, and your rules.

Your Voice, Your Choice

Here's the heart of it: your voice is an exquisite instrument of your identity. Imagine it as a canvas where you're the artist, blending colours (or in this case, vocal qualities) to portray the depth of your unique identity. This course is designed to be your palette, offering hues of vocal qualities that you can mix and match to your heart's content.

In my own journey, I've danced with my voice across the spectrum. There were times when my voice felt like a mismatched outfit—close but not quite “me.” Through trial, error, and a lot of self-love, I learned that the beauty of our voices lies in their malleability. Our voices can be soft whispers, bold declarations, or anything in between, and they can change as we do. This course embodies that spirit of exploration and self-definition.

What Sets This Course Apart

"Mix & Match" is not just another voice training program. It's a celebration of nonbinary identity, recognizing that there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to gender expression. Whether you're starting from a place of curiosity, seeking to refine your voice, or aiming for a spectrum of vocal identities to match your fluid gender, this course is your sanctuary.

I've poured every ounce of my expertise and empathy into ensuring this curriculum speaks directly to the heart of nonbinary experiences. It's about empowering you to design a voice that feels like home—a voice that echoes the truest version of yourself.

A Call to Community

Now, I turn the microphone over to you. What are your thoughts on "Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice"? Does it stir a spark of excitement in you? Are you ready to embark on this voyage of vocal discovery together? Send me an email and let me know!

I'm buzzing with anticipation to share this journey with you. Your voices, stories, and dreams are the melodies that inspire me every day. Let's create a chorus of authentic voices that resonate with the beauty of our diverse experiences.


Creating "Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice" has been a journey of love, learning, and listening. I believe in the power of voice—not just as a tool for communication but as a vessel for our deepest truths and brightest dreams.

I invite you to join me in this adventure, to explore the boundless possibilities of your voice. Together, we'll craft not just sounds, but stories—stories of courage, identity, and the relentless pursuit of authenticity. If you want to be notified when this course opens for pre-order, click here to sign up for my newsletter!

With every word you speak, remember: your voice is a masterpiece, waiting to be unveiled. Let's create something beautiful together.

Renée ✨

Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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