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Renée's Blog

Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!

Filter content by tag: voice feminization, voice masculinization, nonbinary voice, exercises, motivation, resonance, pitch, weight, sentence contour

Is my transition "done" now? general trans advice life Jul 22, 2024

Now that I’ve had two gender-affirming surgery, is my transition “done” now?

Hi, I’m Renée, I’m a gender-affirming voice teacher, and I am also a transgender individual, specifically of the nonbinary variety and some have asked if my transition is finished now...

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Embracing Body Autonomy: Hairy Pits and Top Surgery general trans advice life Jul 19, 2024

Let's talk about something crucial—body autonomy and the freedom to make choices about our own bodies. I've had top surgery, which ruffled some feathers, but most people in my life and ecosystem were fine with it, and I'm so grateful for that! But what really seems to spark controversy is...

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Case Study: Paris Hilton's Baby Voice general trans advice Jul 17, 2024

Hi, I’m Renée, and I’m a gender-affirming voice teacher. I've always been fascinated by how people use their voices to navigate different aspects of their lives. One of the most intriguing cases that you may already be familiar with is that of Paris Hilton.

The Evolution of...

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Wrath Month: Beyond Pride and Into Liberation general trans advice Jul 08, 2024

Pride month is over and you know what that means! Wrath month…

Hi, I’m Renée, a gender-affirming voice teacher here to remind you that while Pride month may have concluded, our spirit of pride and liberation doesn’t have to end. For many of us, pride isn’t confined...

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What does "transition" mean to me? general trans advice life Apr 15, 2024

I am a nonbinary transgender individual and today I want to talk about what “transition” means to me.

I started identifying as genderqueer when I was about 18 years old and at that time the word “nonbinary” wasn’t in common parlance and there was virtually no...

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Why Bother Trans Voice Training? general trans advice Mar 27, 2024

Why do we work on changing our voice? Why not just accept our “actual” voice?

I got a comment on YouTube the other day that I’m certain meant to troll my account, but I want to answer this person’s question in good faith.

They said:

“Why aren’t we teaching...

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How can I help you?

ipad with the cover of the Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy ebook

Learn How Your Voice Works

This workbook will teach you about the muscles and cartilage that control your voice, which will help you control them better.

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Practice Games For Endurance

This workbook will teach you easy games that will help you maintain your target voice for longer.

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An imac, macbook, ipad, and iphone showing screenshots of the trans vocal exploration e-course

Voice Warm-Up Videos

Follow along with me as I teach you a secret weapon to help you gain control of your voice.

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