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Trans Voice Teacher Directory Update!

nonbinary voice teacher resources voice feminization voice masculinization Apr 11, 2023

In the last year and a half I have run my course Learn to Teach Trans Voice in 5 Weeks three times. In every run of the course I've met outstanding voice teachers from all over the world who speak so many different languages and come from a myriad of experiences and backgrounds.

Although the trans voice industry has taken off in the last year, it can still be hard to find a private teacher because it's a nascent field for voice teachers, even among those in the speech pathology field.

With all this in mind, I decided to create a directory of voice teachers who have successfully completed my teacher training course. Thus, the Trans Voice Teacher Directory was born!!

I am so excited to announce that we have just updated the directory to include the most recent graduating class. The directory now includes 25 teachers offering services in 4 different continents and 5 different languages!

Finding the right teacher for you is all about finding someone who knows your language, your culture, or maybe shares some common interests. I hope this directory will help students find the exact right teacher for them, especially as I continue to add teachers after the next cohort.

To use the directory, search the page (press Control-F or Command-F) by keyword to find someone who best suits your needs. You can also scroll through to discover them all!

All teachers teach online and in-person unless "online only" is specified. Please contact an individual teacher for their availability and rates.

Once you have selected a teacher, click the yellow contact button to be redirected to a contact form where you can reach out to your teacher directly. You are welcome to contact more than one teacher at a time.

Here’s what some of these newly added teachers had to say about their experience taking my teacher training:

“I found the example lessons extremely helpful, because while much (though far from all) of the course material was stuff I already had at least a general grasp on, the example lessons showed me how to integrate it into real lessons, which I previously struggled with. I think just seeing the way that you engage with your students, feel out their goals and preferences and introduce them to new concepts opened up my eyes and immediately gave me a better grasp on how to teach. I also found some of the less intuitive details on how to "loosen up" the perception of voice training instructive, because while I already understood that voice training should be more about exploration than achieving a goal, the "silliness" of voice training (I took phonetics after all!) and the importance of being attentive to what different students want, I was not always great at acting on that understanding as I lacked certain teaching techniques that this course taught. Things like cognitive load games and the general attitude of play in the context of a lesson helped a lot. I don't feel nearly as "aimless" during lessons anymore. Therefore, I can say that this course has already assisted me with my voice teaching practice and will continue to do so, especially as I continually review it so as to integrate new techniques. Thank you so much for everything, Renée!”

- Evelyn Newland (she/her), Ontario, Canada

“Thank you so much Renée!!! Uff what a ride! This has been such a great, balanced course and I am excited to incorporate not only the techniques but also more of the structures (sound inspirations, practice logs, etc), and more understanding into my practice.

I resonate so strongly with the core principles of joy and exploration and appreciate your approach so much! It was also helpful to have your reminder that those students who are not necessarily singers and not living and breathing all things voice will need a different structure and approach too. I loved the weekly live sessions. Especially being able to learn from other people’s lived experiences (both in their teaching and in their own voice journeys).

A few conceptual elements that were a bit of an “ah-ha” moment for me were the understanding that many trans people may have significant disassociation from their bodies and their voices. I’ve already started incorporating some of your targeted exercises into my teaching there. I was working generally on these issues without realizing the root causes – but suddenly the patterns were all clear, I’d just never consciously realized them.

The course equipped me with a larger toolbox of exercises for helping students explore and discover their own voices and qualities. I feel much better equipped to help across the spectrum of (gendered) voice alteration now. Thank you! I think the course was wonderfully thought out, presented, and structured. Thanks again!”

- Andrew Martin (he/him), Berlin, Germany

Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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